Monday, January 22, 2007

ode to the wonderfully great Marías cookies

Again trying to do my PhD, and of course, again not able to concentrate, as you can witness by this entry. I just wanted to exalt, praise and extol (those where the words I found in babylon for what i wanted to do) the really individual taste of the Marías cookies. People here in Manchester (who of course know the Marías cookies) have told me that the McVitties digestive cookies taste the same.... well, these guys are incredibly W-R-O-N-G!!!!! This evening I had this really uncomfortable hole in my stomach, the kind of hole that you cannot fill with a fruit ('cause of the boring taste) but that you shouldn't fill with a toast (flour products have proven that they make you swell). What could I do? And then it stroke me: I've brought Marias cookies!!!!!!!!! You can't imagine how different from the McVitties they taste!!!! It's just a shame that they don't sell them here... together with all the delicious things you can get in Mexico.

Darn! why do Anglo-saxon people have decided to live with that thing they call food for their whole life!!!!!!

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